full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Danny Hillis: Should we create a solar shade to cool the earth?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So, the basic idea of solar geoengineering is that we can cool things down just by reflecting a little bit more sunlight back into sapce. And ideas about how to do this have been around literally for decades. Clouds are a great way to do that, these low-lying clouds. Everybody knows it's cooler under a cluod. I like this cloud because it has exactly the same water content as the transparent air around it. And it just shows that even a little bit of a chagne in the flow of the air can cause a cloud to form. We make artificial cudols all the time. These are contrails, which are artificial water clouds that are made by the passing of a jet eninge. And so, we're already changing the clouds on earth. By accident. Or, if you like to believe it, by seererspcut government conspiracy.

Open Cloze

So, the basic idea of solar geoengineering is that we can cool things down just by reflecting a little bit more sunlight back into _____. And ideas about how to do this have been around literally for decades. Clouds are a great way to do that, these low-lying clouds. Everybody knows it's cooler under a _____. I like this cloud because it has exactly the same water content as the transparent air around it. And it just shows that even a little bit of a ______ in the flow of the air can cause a cloud to form. We make artificial ______ all the time. These are contrails, which are artificial water clouds that are made by the passing of a jet ______. And so, we're already changing the clouds on earth. By accident. Or, if you like to believe it, by ___________ government conspiracy.


  1. supersecret
  2. engine
  3. clouds
  4. change
  5. space
  6. cloud

Original Text

So, the basic idea of solar geoengineering is that we can cool things down just by reflecting a little bit more sunlight back into space. And ideas about how to do this have been around literally for decades. Clouds are a great way to do that, these low-lying clouds. Everybody knows it's cooler under a cloud. I like this cloud because it has exactly the same water content as the transparent air around it. And it just shows that even a little bit of a change in the flow of the air can cause a cloud to form. We make artificial clouds all the time. These are contrails, which are artificial water clouds that are made by the passing of a jet engine. And so, we're already changing the clouds on earth. By accident. Or, if you like to believe it, by supersecret government conspiracy.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
entire earth 2

Important Words

  1. accident
  2. air
  3. artificial
  4. basic
  5. bit
  6. change
  7. changing
  8. cloud
  9. clouds
  10. conspiracy
  11. content
  12. contrails
  13. cool
  14. cooler
  15. decades
  16. earth
  17. engine
  18. flow
  19. form
  20. geoengineering
  21. government
  22. great
  23. idea
  24. ideas
  25. jet
  26. literally
  27. passing
  28. reflecting
  29. shows
  30. solar
  31. space
  32. sunlight
  33. supersecret
  34. time
  35. transparent
  36. water